Mignon, statuette in the group Gifts at Stiftelsen Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde (12795)
Mignon, statuette
Mignon, statuette
Mignon, statuette

Mignon, statuette

1200 kr
Mignon is a character from Johann Wolfgang von Goethes Wilhelm Meister. Mignon was an an androgynous creature who inspirered a vast number of heroines of the Romantic period. Until the very end, she refused to behave and dress as a typical woman. 

The original statuette was made by Per Hasselberg in 1894. Per Hasselberg and Prince Eugen met in Paris at the end of the 19th century, were they developed a close friendship.

The casts are made in plaster on a small scale, by a sculpture conservator outside of Stockholm. 13, 5 cm.
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  • Information

    The original statuett is made by Per Hasselberg in 1894. Per Hasselberg and Prince Eugen met in Paris in the end of the 19th century, were they developed a close friendship.

    The casts are made in plaster in small scale by a sculpture conservator outside of Stockholm. 13, 5 cm.
    Article nr: 12795

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