Prince Eugen World of Flowers and the Waldemarsudde Flowerpot
Prince Eugen's World of Flowers and the Waldemarsudde Flowerpot i gruppen Presenter hos Stiftelsen Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde (11696)
Prince Eugen's World of Flowers and the Waldemarsudde Flowerpot
Prince Eugen's World of Flowers and the Waldemarsudde Flowerpot

Prince Eugen's World of Flowers and the Waldemarsudde Flowerpot

295 kr

(Text på engelska)

2015 marks the centenary of the Waldemarsudde flowerpot, a Swedish design classic designed by Prince Eugen (1865-1947). This decorative arts object is part of Waldemarsudde's history, the lifework that the Prince created and bequeathed to the Swedish government. 

In this inspirational book, with eloquent photos by photograph Yanan Li, a different story of Prince Eugen's paradise is told. Florist Kristina Öhman describes her work of keeping an organic cultural heritage alive, and gives her best tips on the art of making pictorial decorations of what the nature has to offer - from bare branch nests of early spring to wild summer bouquets and silvery green winter wreaths. 

Author: Helena Kaasik, Karin Sidén and Kristina Öhman

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  • Produktinformation

    Cover: Hardback with dustjacket
    Size: 170 x 220 mm
    Weight: 740 g
    Number of pages: 223
    ISBN: 978-91-87543-31-9
    Publisher: Arvinius + Orfeus
    Publishing year: 2015
    Languague: English

    Artnr: 11696

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